Josh & Adrienne

6503 Glen Avenue

Josh and Adrienne were attracted to their house because they saw its potential, even though it needed a lot of work, and they loved the neighborhood. The yard also needed work. After replacing the retaining wall, a job that Adrienne finished herself, Josh and Adrienne focused on making their garden a low-maintenance haven for pollinators. They replaced the turfgrass with clover to minimize watering and mowing while attracting many beneficial insects. To help design the more formal planting along the top of the retaining wall, they hired Josh Goldschmidt, a professional landscaper based in Pleasant Ridge. The formality of the flower bed is a pleasing contrast to the more wild look of the lawn. They also built a Little Free Library on an unused space in front of the retaining wall and painted it themselves with bright, eye-catching designs. So, even in the winter when nothing is blooming in the garden, there is still a splash of color to brighten the street corner.