Laura Lennon & Abbott Smith

6536 Iris Avenue

Laura and Abbott moved here from Seattle in 2016 and started their garden with nothing but two shrubs and some orange ditch lilies that they inherited with the house. Laura began by transplanting the lilies and collecting divisions of perennials from friends and neighbors. She started many plants from seed on her sun porch. For color in the spring, she planted daffodils throughout the front. Laura and Abbott’s artistic background informs the garden’s design details such as the picket fence and gate. The beds are edged with Athens bricks, and the paths are of local limestone.Their property is inundated by water during rainstorms, but what started as a liability became a design opportunity. To collect the water, they dug a depression for a rain garden and used the excavated dirt to form berms to direct the water and serve as beds for more plants. Their reward for all their hard work is a garden that attracts wildlife, including insects, birds, and mammals, that they enjoy observing all through the year.